Tag: <span>Women</span>

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Tens of thousands of women turn to the ER for fibroid symptoms

Tens of thousands of women turn to the ER for fibroid symptoms

by  University of Michigan Study suggests that many women using emergency care for fibroids may be better served in alternative health care settings. Credit: Michigan Medicine Fibroid symptoms, such as heavy menstrual bleeding and abdominal pain, are increasingly driving women to the emergency room. In fact, tens of thousands of women were seen annually in the emergency department...

Women more prone to concussion’s long-term harms, study shows

Women more prone to concussion’s long-term harms, study shows

by Amy Norton  (HealthDay)—After a concussion, women may be at heightened risk of lasting physical and mental symptoms, a new study finds. The study of 2,000 concussion sufferers found that women were more likely than men to still have some symptoms one year later. The problems included fuzzy memory and difficulty concentrating, as well as...


How important is sex to women as they age?

THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY (NAMS) CLEVELAND, Ohio (September 28, 2020)–Despite a common belief that women lose interest in sex as they age, a new study demonstrates that a significant percentage of women continue to rate sex as important throughout midlife. The study also identified those factors affecting which women continue to value sex most....

Three things women should know about heart disease

Three things women should know about heart disease

by From Mayo Clinic News Network All women face the threat of heart disease, which is the No. 1 killer of Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mayo Clinic cardiologist Dr. Amy Pollak, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says there are many important things women should know about heart disease. “The first...


Study finds women seek and resist help for alcoholism in different ways than men

A new study from the University of Iowa finds that women are less likely to get help for a drinking problem and are more likely to believe the problem will get better on its own. The study, which digs deep into the differences in the way men and women handle excessive alcohol consumption, suggests that different strategies for dealing with the problem should be developed for men and women. “We should ask ourselves, ‘How...


Breast cancer diagnosed by pill

Scientists have developed a pill that lights up breast cancer tumors. Approximately one in three breast cancer patients undergo unnecessary surgery or chemotherapy on tumors that are benign. There are also women with treatable cancers who die due to undetected tumors that are hidden by dense breast tissue. This is due to difficulties inherent in...


Woman’s late-stage breast cancer cured by immunotherapy treatment that supercharged her own cells to fight the disease in a world first

Immunotherapy enhances a patient’s own T cells to make them fight cancer better  Doctors at the National Institutes of Health have cured a woman of her breast cancer using the experimental new treatment   A woman has been cured of her breast cancer by a revolutionary treatment that used supercharged versions of her own immunity cells...