Testosterone The Key To Unlocking Better Overall Health

Recent studies suggest that long-term sufferers of Cachexia may be in for some much needed good news. Experienced by as many as half of all cancer patients – and responsible for the deaths of around 22% – Cachexia may have met its match with new technologies on the horizon already proving successful in minimizing its energy-sapping symptoms.

Doctor’s room. Image credit: Marlon Lara via Unsplash (Unsplash licence)

The Department of Health and Kinesiology at Texas A&M University has been investigating the potential benefits of administering testosterone to cancer patients in order to reduce the impact of Cachexia. Though not a cure, the aim is to at least provide a greater quality of day-to-day life, including the ability to get out of bed more regularly.

This research has now confirmed that the administration of testosterone can restore some level of independence, including increased movement and quality of life. Though relatively small, it’s a large breakthrough against a disease that’s proved incredibly stubborn to-date, and is just one of the many areas where the health benefits of testosterone for both men and women is becoming increasingly clear…

Type 2 Diabetes Is In The Firing Line

Diabetes affects a large portion of the population, half of which is aged 60 and over. The high proportion of older people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes puts these insulin-resistant patients at an increased risk of other life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks and cancer.

Measures to control diabetes. Image credit: Pixabay via Pexels (Pexels licence)

One recent study investigated the role of insulin resistance both before and after treatment with testosterone. The findings were surprising. The study showed that when testosterone was admitted, there was a dramatic increase in insulin sensitivity. We’re talking a 32% increase in the uptake of glucose.

This increase means that the body is better able to use blood glucose, while also decreasing blood sugars. This highlights that testosterone makes men with type 2 diabetes more sensitive to insulin and, in turn, acts as a metabolic hormone. But that’s not all…

Muscle Wasting Could Be A Thing Of The Past

New research out of Australia carries some exciting news for the administration of testosterone.

More than that, its role in preventing muscle loss and wasting.

Researchers found that delivering this important hormone directly to the gut via the liver was able to stimulate protein synthesis which promotes muscle growth and prevents muscle wasting / loss. More than that, taking this orally also removed the potential side effects commonly associated with testosterone injections, gels, or patches. This is especially important for women, who usually suffer from harsh side effects such as facial hair growth, a deeper voice, and potential heart damage.

Combating Dementia

Dementia is said to affect over 50 million people worldwide, but to this day the medical community lacks an effective treatment for this alarming and often confronting memory decline

Old age. Image credit: sabinevanerp via Pixabay (Pixabay licence)

The male body is reliant on maintaining testosterone levels for healthy functioning, but it seems that testosterone is responsible for more than just libido and energy levels. Research shows low testosterone may be responsible for the decrease in brain function seen in older males. Men who have Alzheimer’s and dementia are reported to have a lower testosterone level than men with normal brain function.

Testosterone has proven to be important for the brain function of men, but these same results are indicating that testosteronealso has a role in optimising the memory of women with dementia.

Testosterone vs Obesity

Studies have shown that of the 2,100 men over the age of 40 examined, the odds of having low testosterone were 2.4 times higher for those with obesity. This is due to fat cells metabolising testosterone to estrogen, and reducing the overall levels of testosterone within the body.

Moderate levels of obesity predominantly decreases overall testosterone due to insulin resistance-associated reductions, reducing the levels of sex hormone binding globulin which carries testosterone in the blood. Increased exercise and a healthier diet with the aim of losing weight can increase overall testosterone levels and help to alleviate these issues.

Slowing Down The Aging Process

If you’re looking for the secret to looking more youthful, you may have just found it. This discovery has a sex hormone to thank. That’s right! Having higher levels of estradiol (produced by testosterone) is the secret to slowing the aging process.

Hourglass. Image credit: annca via Pixabay (Pixabay licence)

This sex hormone not only works to increase your libido, minimise erectile dysfunction, and produce sperm. It also slows the ageing process. This is thanks to a link between higher estradiol levels and longer telomeres, which work to protect chromosomes throughout your body from damage.

It’s the protection of these specific chromosomes that slows the ageing process. So it follows that boosting your testosteronelevels may soon be on the cards for those looking to live a little longer and look younger while doing so.

Improving Sexual Function & Mood

The University of California has some good news for men over the age of 65, who often suffer from a low sex drive, depression, excessive fatigue, and an overall lower quality of life due to low testosterone levels. Their research has shownthat effective testosterone treatment in these men was able to improve their walking ability, mood, and sexual function.

While testosterone therapy has proven successful in improving the quality of life of men in their 60s, there are still numerous ongoing tests into what effects this all important hormone may have on the cardiovascular system, anemia, cognitive function, and bone density.

Testosterone Is Leading The Way To Happier, Healthier Lives

Testosterone treatments remain a specialised, case-by-case treatment, but studies are overwhelmingly highlighting that current uses for this all-important hormone are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the role it plays now and into the future in unlocking better overall health for men and women across the world.

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