The nasal spray that will keep you safe during your holiday flight: Packed full of anti-allergy drugs, it prevents blood clots in the legs during long-haul journeys

Home / Pharmaceutical Updates / The nasal spray that will keep you safe during your holiday flight: Packed full of anti-allergy drugs, it prevents blood clots in the legs during long-haul journeys
  • Anti-allergy drugs that suppress certain immune cells protect mice against DVT
  • If effective in humans, such drugs could replace treatments that cause bleeding
  • As they are already approved for allergies, they could soon be available for DVT
  • Experts advise people reduce their DVT risk by staying active on flights for now
  • DVT affects around 600,000 a year in the UK and can be deadly if the clot moves

Nasal sprays could prevent leg clots on long-haul flights, new research suggests.

Anti-allergy drugs that suppress certain immune cells protect mice from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a study implied.

If effective in humans, such medication could replace current DVT treatments, which carry bleeding risks, according to the researchers.

DVT, which usually causes blood clots in the leg, affects around 600,000 people in the UK each year.

If the clot dislodges and travels to the lungs, it can result in a life-threatening pulmonary embolism.

Nasal sprays could prevent leg clots on long-haul flights, new research suggests (stock)

Nasal sprays could prevent leg clots on long-haul flights, new research suggests


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg.

It is associated with being inactive for a long time, such as after an operation or during a journey, as well as being linked to a family history of the condition, pregnancy and obesity.

Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in the affected area.

If the clot dislodges and travels to the lung, it can cause a deadly pulmonary embolism.

This occurs in around one in 10 DVT cases.

Anti-clotting drugs are given to prevent the thrombosis growing and dislodging.

The risk of developing DVT can be reduced by wearing compression stockings and staying as active as possible while on flights.

People should also maintain a healthy weight, not smoke and exercise regularly.

‘Turning off’ immune cells protects against DVT 

Researchers from the University of Birmingham genetically-modified mice to not express a certain type of immune cell, known as mast cells.

‘Turning off’ the gene that creates mast cells causes mice to be protected from DVT.

The findings were published in the journal Circulation Research.

Anti-allergy medications including inhalers, nasal sprays and tablets often work to suppress mast cells.

The researchers plan to test human blood samples of DVT sufferers to determine if they express mast cells.

If so, mast cell-suppressing medications could replace current DVT treatments, such as warfarin, which carry potential bleeding risks.

Finding could significantly reduce bleeding risk  

Lead author Dr Alex Brill said: ‘These findings offer new hope for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis without a risk of bleeding.

‘If further human studies support our findings in mice, drugs to block mast cell production could be used in the future alongside lower doses of anticoagulants such as warfarin, significantly reducing bleeding risk.

‘This is particularly exciting because this is a group of drugs which already exists, and some forms are approved for the treatment of allergies such as hay fever and asthma, meaning that this discovery could help people with DVT sooner rather than later.’

Professor Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, added: ‘Those setting off on long haul flights this summer should be aware of the risk of DVT, which can be triggered by immobility.

‘However there are ways to reduce your risk, such as walking around the aeroplane or wearing anti-DVT socks.

‘This is even more important for people already at risk of DVT, who carry other risk factors such as old age, obesity, smoking, and being pregnant.

‘It’s far too soon to suggest people should start taking anti-allergy tablets to prevent DVT but this exciting discovery may pave the way for new treatments, and reduce some of the bleeding side effects which come with anticoagulants such as warfarin.

‘However further research is needed to show that the same protective effect can be seen in humans.’