Update: The COVID-19 Outbreak

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Update: The COVID-19 Outbreak

There’s no point in avoiding the obvious: Cases are rising fast. The winter looks bad.

But weary Americans may take comfort: This time, we know more. The coming season doesn’t have to be a catastrophe.

Keep reading for some practical advice on managing this scary period.

  • We can still stop the surge. “A silver bullet may be months away, or longer,” Derek Thompson writes. “But bronze bullets abound.”
  • Here’s how to tell if socializing indoors is safe. Experts recommend consulting your local health statistics—a trickier task than you might think, Olga Khazan reports.
  • Traveling for the holidays isn’t the best idea, experts say. But for those who do decide to go, the risks can be mitigated, Joe Pinsker reports.
  • Some tentatively good news: Schools don’t appear to be the super-spreaders we once thought. The economist Emily Oster reviews the data.
  • And teenagers handled quarantine better than expected. In her research, the psychology professor Jean M. Twenge found that their “mental health did not collectively suffer during the pandemic,” despite fears otherwise.

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