by Wiley

Illustration of face depicting makeup zones. T and MT zone were located 2 cm proximal to midline of eyebrows, U and MU zones were located 5 cm medial of the zygomatic process. Credit: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (2024). DOI: 10.1111/jocd.16205
New research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology reveals the effects of wearing cosmetic foundation during aerobic exercise on the skin and its pores.
The study included 43 healthy college students (20 males and 23 females). Foundation cream was applied to participants on half of the face in two different areas (forehead and upper cheek). The other half of the face served as control.
Moisture increased after exercise in both the non-makeup and makeup zones; however, there was a greater increase in moisture in the makeup zones. This may be a result of makeup preventing moisture from evaporating from the skin. Elasticity of the skin increased after exercise, but to a greater extent in the makeup zones than in non-makeup zones.
The size of pores increased in skin without makeup after exercise, but not significantly in skin with makeup. This may indicate that wearing makeup may block pores. Oil level increased in the non-makeup zones and decreased in the makeup zones, suggesting that it may be difficult to maintain proper oil levels on the skin when wearing makeup.
“For skin health, it’s best to exercise with your makeup removed,” said corresponding author Dongsun Park, Ph.D., of the Korea National University of Education.
More information: Eun‐Jung Yoon et al, Influence of cosmetic foundation cream on skin condition during treadmill exercise, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (2024). DOI: 10.1111/jocd.16205
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