Website for gait strategies Parkinson patients now available

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Website for gait strategies Parkinson patients now available


Radboud university medical center launched a platform for people with Parkinson’s Disease. It contains seven gait strategies, which can help the patients with walking. The website will be launched on February 2022, 15.  This website about walking difficulties in Parkinson’s disease have been developed for people with Parkinson’s, their loved ones, and Parkinson healthcare providers. It is dedicated to the creative ways to improve gait: so-called ‘compensation strategies’.

On this platform you will find a video overview of the known strategies, including background information. In addition, you have the opportunity to contribute to this overview yourself by sending in videos of your own successful strategies.

This way, this website forms an interactive platform where people with Parkinson’s disease and healthcare professionals can learn from each other. By doing so, we hope to make it easier for everyone to find helpful ways to improve walking.

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