What 800 million tweets reveal about our thought patterns

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A large analysis of around 800 million tweets during a 4-year period suggests that circadian rhythms control our way of thinking.

Our circadian rhythms are known to affect our mood, as our energy levels spike and dip at different times of the day.

illustration of twitter speech bubbleWhen taken collectively, the content of our tweets reveals more insight into our predictable thinking patterns.

But can our internal clocks also affect our way of thinking? Studies have revealed that short-term disruptions in the circadian rhythm can impair our memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

In the long-term, such disruptions have been linked with mental health disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression, lending further credibility to the hypothesis that the sleep-wake cycle might control our thinking.

Now, a study of 800 million tweets brings evidence in support of this theory. Our way of thinking, as well as the underlying emotions, tend to change across the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle, the research suggests.

It was led by Nello Cristianini, a professor of artificial intelligence from Bristol University in the United Kingdom. The findings were published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Analyzing the content of 7 billion words

Prof. Cristianini and his colleagues used computer algorithms to sample and analyze 800 million tweets, around the clock, for a period of 4 years. This summed up about 7 billion words.

Of these, the researchers tracked the use of specific words that are linked with 73 psychometric indicators or measurements of our latent thinking and emotional patterns.

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