Why are you gaining weight after losing it?

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Why are you gaining weight after losing it?

A lot of people are trying to lose some weight. Some just want to look better for the summer, others are fighting for better health and well-being. Losing weight is not easy and many people find themselves gaining weight soon after losing it.

What makes it difficult to maintain a healthy body weight? Scientists from the University of Sydney say that soft white bread and jasmine rice might have to take the blame.

White bread and other food with a high glycemic index make people gain weight after a good period of weight loss. Image credit: TheCulinaryGeek via Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0)

People usually have a goal for their weight loss. And once that goal is reached they pull back on their diet and exercise regime at least slightly. They want to stop losing weight, but they also want to maintain what they already have. Which is harder than it may seem.

Scientists analysed data from their 2013 to 2018 global study of over 2,000 participants. All of them were classified as overweight or obese and were at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. All of them wanted to lose weight. During the first part of the study, participants consumed meal replacement shakes to achieve fast weight loss in 8 weeks. 

The second part of the study included researchers comparing results of a high protein-low GI diet and a moderate protein-moderate GI diet. Some participants maintained a high intensity exercise regime, while others exercised less. Despite all these efforts, virtually all participants regained at least some of the weight. However, those who consumed a diet with foods that have a high glycemic index (GI), gained significantly more weight.

Professor Brand-Miller, one of the authors of the study, said: “I think all of us have experienced weight gain creep over our adult life, and many of us have tried all manner of diets only to regain over time. This new study tells us that choosing low GI versions of breads, potatoes and rice will make it easier to beat the battle of the bulge.”

Weight gain observed in this study is not just about the looks. All of these participants were close to developing type 2 diabetes. This is an extremely dangerous game and watching their weight should be one of their top priorities. However, scientists found that at least some of the participants simply didn’t know that many of the foods they eat are low in fibre and have a high GI. Soft white and brown breads, desiree potatoes and jasmine rice all have a high GI. However, the good news are that many of those foods have version with lover GI. You just need to pay attention when you’re shopping.

Type 2 diabetes is a dangerous condition. And it is up to you to avoid it. Lose weight and maintain a healthy diet after. It’s ok if you sometimes eat a dessert or some French fries. Just don’t make it a habit.

Source: University of Sydney

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