Tag: <span>Breakthrough</span>

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A speed limit could be a breakthrough for stem cell therapy

A speed limit could be a breakthrough for stem cell therapy

by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres Red: Newly synthesized DNA. Credit: Helmholtz Zentrum München / Tsunetoshi Nakatani A totipotent cell is a single cell that can give rise to a new organism, if given appropriate maternal support. Totipotent cells have many properties, but we do not know all of them yet. Researchers at Helmholtz...

Rethinking how drugs are administered: A breakthrough in microneedle patches

Rethinking how drugs are administered: A breakthrough in microneedle patches

by Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology  (Left) Schematic illustration depicting the developed microneedles, which absorb the interstitial fluid beneath the skin and release the pre-loaded drug. (Right) Side-view image of a microneedle loaded with rhodamine B (pink dye), which diffuses after piercing a porcine skin sample; the yellow dot lines indicate where the...

Scientists reached a breakthrough in hookworm vaccine development

Scientists reached a breakthrough in hookworm vaccine development

Looking from the perspective of biology, the hookworm is an incredible animal. However, for humans it is a dangerous parasite, causing tens of millions infections every year. Hookworms use the host’s blood as its source of nourishment. Now scientists at the University of Queensland have reached a significant breakthrough in the development of a vaccine...

Early brain cancer detection breakthrough

Early brain cancer detection breakthrough

by  University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Credit: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Early detection of brain cancer has moved one step closer, through a breakthrough by cancer diagnostics firm and University of Strathclyde spinout company Dxcover. The company has shown that its innovative testing technology, the Dxcover Liquid Biopsy, is effective even in the earlier days of cancer growth, at...

Breakthrough in understanding genesis of fibroids

Breakthrough in understanding genesis of fibroids

by  University of Helsinki Fig. 1: Overview of study material and somatic allelic imbalance. a The sequential stages of UL subclass detection. Denominators are numbers of tumors screened at each stage; see Methods for a detailed description of data used at each stage. Percentages refer to proportions among all 2,263 tumors. HMGA1 subclass comprised 67 tumors...

A breakthrough in photodynamic therapy

A breakthrough in photodynamic therapy

by Linsey Retcofsky,  University of Texas at Arlington Credit: University of Texas at Arlington An international team led by physics researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington has published a paper in Bioactive Materials that describes a breakthrough method of photodynamic therapy (PDT), an emerging cancer treatment. Nil Kanatha Pandey, a doctoral student in physics Professor Wei Chen’s lab,...

A breakthrough in the physics of blood clotting

A breakthrough in the physics of blood clotting

by  Georgia Institute of Technology First author Yueyi Sun inside Georgia Tech’s Complex Fluids Modeling and Simulation lab, where she compares the experimental and simulated platelet-driven fibrin clot contraction process. Credit: Alexander Alexeev, Georgia Tech Heart attacks and strokes—the leading causes of death in human beings—are fundamentally blood clots of the heart and brain. Better understanding...

Building molecules like Tinkertoys? A breakthrough study may pave the way

Building molecules like Tinkertoys? A breakthrough study may pave the way

UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IMAGE: A team of chemists with the University of Chicago announced a new technique that allows scientists to easily cut nitrogen atoms from molecules–which can make the process of finding new molecules for medicines or other uses easier and faster. Above: Study coauthors Balu Dherange and Kathleen Berger demonstrate a drawing of...

Researchers achieve breakthrough in battle against brain cancer

Researchers achieve breakthrough in battle against brain cancer

Groundbreaking research from Tel Aviv University may lead to a significant breakthrough in the battle against deadly brain cancer. TAU researchers have identified a failure in the brain’s immune system that leads to the amplification of cell division and the spread of glioblastoma cancer cells. The failure results partially from the secretion of a protein called P-Selectin (SELP), which enables glioblastoma...

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough

James Cook University researcher Dr Brandon Mahan worked with a team of French researchers at the Université de Paris, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (UP, IPGP; Paris, France) who compared brains with and without Alzheimer’s to discover what made them different. “Our study is the first time it has clearly been shown that healthy human...

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