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Metabolite from pomegranate diet reduces inflammatory bowel diseases

inStem and University of Louisville research teams identify Urolithin A and its synthetic analog to improve gut barrier and reduce inflammation NATIONAL CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Bangalore, INDIA – Millions of people suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) worldwide, either in the form of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, and few effective long-term treatments are...


Could this widely used food additive cause celiac disease?

Research suggests that celiac disease could be caused by a bacterial enzyme used to manufacture sausages, cheese, bread and other processed foods. FRONTIERS Myths about gluten are hard to bust. Intolerance, allergy, sensitivity, hypersensitivity. What is what? Celiac disease is none of these things. It is an autoimmune disorder, where gluten triggers the immune system to attack the gut. It is common, lifelong,...


Statins are more effective for those who follow the Mediterranean diet

A diet based on Mediterranean principles enhances the effect of these drugs in patients who already had a heart attack or stroke ISTITUTO NEUROLOGICO MEDITERRANEO NEUROMED I.R.C.C.S. For those who have already had a heart attack or a stroke, the combination of statins and Mediterranean Diet appears to be the most effective choice to reduce the risk of mortality,...


The lowdown on low-fat milk (It’s all good)

Nutritionists also are learning that it has another important role that’s especially beneficial for dieters. Research has found that calcium can help suppress appetite and even lower your intake at the next meal, as well as help you retain muscle mass while losing fat. While other research has found that whole milk has health benefits...


What are the benefits of bone broth?

What are the benefits of bone broth? Bone broth is a liquid containing brewed bones and connective tissues. To make bone broth, people use cow, chicken, and even fish bones. Drinking bone broth may be beneficial for the joints and digestive system, among other things. The bones and tissues of many types of animal may...


New Study Explains How Coffee Protects The Brain From Disease

Can coffee protect drinkers from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s? A new study finds an evidence that certain types of coffee could prevent mental decline later in life. Plenty has been said about the benefits and risks of coffee, a common beverage that a large portion of the population consumes on a regular basis. In the United...


Low-carb diets cause people to burn more calories

Most people regain the weight they lose from dieting within one or two years, in part because the body adapts by slowing metabolism and burning fewer calories. A meticulous study led by Boston Children’s Hospital, in partnership with Framingham State University, now finds that eating fewer carbohydrates increases the number of calories burned. The findings, published on November 14 in...


Researchers show that a high-protein diet does not affect kidney function

A widely held and controversial myth that high-protein diets may cause kidney damage in healthy adults has been debunked by scientists at McMaster University, who examined more than two dozen studies involving hundreds of participants. Credit: CC0 Public Domain The meta-analysis, published in the Journal of Nutrition, challenges the perceived dangers of a protein-rich diet,...


For older adults, does eating enough protein help delay disability?

To live successfully and independently, older adults need to be able to manage two different levels of life skills: basic daily care and basic housekeeping activities. Basic daily care includes feeding yourself, bathing, dressing, and going to the toilet on your own. You also need to handle basic housekeeping activities, such as managing your finances...


Nutritionist shares 12 tips to help busy women live a healthier lifestyle

Cap caffeine, try magnesium and switch off technology two hours before bedtime: Nutritionist shares 12 tips to help busy women live a healthier lifestyle Finding time to lead a healthy lifestyle can be challenging But there are simple ways to balance your life so you can live healthier Nutritionist Jessica Sepel shared her tips to help busy women prioritize health Finding time to lead a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. But there are simple ways to balance...