Injection taken every 2 months to control HIV is the ‘next revolution’ in treating the killer virus – scrapping the need for daily drugs

Home / Pharmaceutical Updates / Injection taken every 2 months to control HIV is the ‘next revolution’ in treating the killer virus – scrapping the need for daily drugs
  • Currently HIV patients have to take antiretroviral drugs each day to prevent Aids
  • But a Phase II trial proved 2 such drugs in an injection offers as much protection
  • The jabs taken every two months slowly release the medication into the blood
  • A team of international scientists found them to work just as well as the daily pills

HIV can be controlled by an injection needed just six times a year – scrapping the need for daily drugs, scientists claim.

Experts have hailed the early trial findings as ‘life-changing’ and have suggested a jab could be the ‘next revolution’ in treating the virus.

Currently HIV patients have to take antiretroviral medication each day to stop it from weakening their immune system and leading to Aids.

But the Phase II trial proved a combination of two such drugs in an injection form offers just as much protection – if not more.

The jabs, taken every two months which slowly releases medication into the blood, were found to be just as effective as the daily pills.

Experts have hailed the early trial findings as 'life-changing' and have suggested a jab could be the 'next revolution' in treating the virus

The ‘next revolution’ in HIV care

Dr David Margolis, from the US pharmaceutical company ViiV Healthcare, said: ‘Adherence to medication remains an important challenge in HIV treatment.

‘The introduction of single tablet medication represented a leap forward in antiretroviral therapy.

‘Long-acting antiretroviral injections may represent the next revolution in HIV therapy by providing an option that circumvents the burden of daily dosing.’

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Dr Michael Brady, medical director of the HIV/Aids charity Terrence Higgins Trust, said: ‘The history of HIV therapy has been one of constant evolution, to produce an increasing range of effective treatments.

‘Our current strategy of daily pills is highly effective and means people can live long, healthy lives and cannot pass the virus on to others.

‘However, we welcome the prospect of injectable therapy which will further increase choice and, for many people, will be preferable to tablets.’

Practical barriers to pill taking 

He added: ‘For some people living with HIV, there are practical barriers to pill taking.

‘Some have unpredictable or chaotic lifestyles, may travel to countries where HIV medications are not allowed, or live in families or communities where HIV is highly stigmatised.


A nine-year-old child has been virtually cured of HIV, scientists claimed yesterday.

They were infected with the virus at birth but had spent most of their life without needing any treatment.

The child – whose identify is being protected – was born in South Africa and given a short burst of drugs immediately afterwards.

They have since been off treatment for eight and a half years without showing any symptoms or signs of the active virus.

Scientists hope the case will help improve their understanding of HIV and pave the way for new drugs or vaccines which can cure the infection.

‘For these people, getting their HIV treatment through a monthly injection, rather than daily pills, could be life-changing and could mean they are more likely to stay well and to remain uninfectious.’

How was the trial carried out?

Scientists tested an injectable anti-retroviral therapy (ART) consisting of the two drugs cabotegravir and rilpivirine.

A total of 286 HIV-positive patients took part, having already suppressed the virus with oral medication.

They were split into groups and randomly given further maintenance treatment in the form of more pills, or injections.

This happened either once a month or once every two months, researchers said in prestigious medical journal The Lancet.

What did they find? 

The international study found the two-monthly injections continued to control the infection in 94 per cent of patients over 96 weeks.

This treatment was more effective than either on-going oral medication (84 per cent) or the monthly injection (87 per cent).

The findings, conducted in the US, Germany, Canada, Spain and France, were presented at the annual meeting of the International Aids Society in Paris.

HIV: The facts

An estimated 36.7 million adults and children worldwide have HIV, including at least 88,800 in the UK.

The virus progressively damages the cells in the immune system weakening the body’s ability to fight infections.

Without treatment, this leads to AIDs – the collective name for a series of life-threatening infections which the weakened immune system cannot withstand.