Tag: <span>Covid19</span>

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Patients Who Refuse to Wear a Mask: Responses That Won’t Get You Sued

Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape’s Coronavirus Resource Center. What Do You Do Now? Your waiting room is filled with mask-wearing individuals, except for one person. Your staff offers a mask to this person, citing your office policy of requiring masks for all persons in order to prevent asymptomatic COVID spread, and...

More evidence on vitamin D deficiency and death rates from COVID-19

More evidence on vitamin D deficiency and death rates from COVID-19

By Sally Robertson, B.Sc. Physicians at the Complete Med Care clinic in Dallas, Texas, have conducted a study showing that the prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency is strongly correlated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mortality rate in European countries. The researchers say the correlation also strengthened over time, making it even less likely to...

COVID-19’s deadliness for men is revealing why researchers should have been studying immune system sex differences years ago

COVID-19’s deadliness for men is revealing why researchers should have been studying immune system sex differences years ago

Reports show that the mortality rate among men with COVID-19 is higher than women. Marco Mantovani/Getty Images Email Twitter3 Facebook299 LinkedIn Print When it comes to surviving critical cases of COVID-19, it appears that men draw the short straw. Initial reports from China revealed the early evidence of increased male mortality associated with COVID. According...


Coronavirus Alert!

Hello, As you may have been aware, in the past few months news of coronavirus, COVID-19, outbreak from China has been rampant. Orange County recently declared a local health emergency in response to this coronavirus. This emergency declaration came after one confirmed case of the virus in Orange County and Orange County officials are taking...